
In an era dominated by digital content and self-publishing, the demand for e-books has surged, offering writers new opportunities to share their knowledge and creativity. However, a controversial practice has emerged wherein individuals, overwhelmed by time constraints or lacking the necessary writing skills, consider having their e-books written by professional ghostwriters. This trend raises ethical questions about authorship, creativity, have a dissertation written and the integrity of the literary landscape. This article explores the motivations behind having an e-book written and the ethical considerations associated with such a choice.

Motivations Behind Outsourcing:

The decision to have an e-book written by someone else often stems from practical considerations. Individuals may find themselves juggling multiple responsibilities, leaving them with insufficient time to dedicate to the meticulous process of writing a book. Alternatively, some potential authors may possess a wealth of knowledge but lack the linguistic prowess or narrative finesse required to craft a compelling e-book. The desire to share expertise or personal stories, coupled with the allure of becoming a published author, prompts some to explore outsourcing as a viable option.

Ethical Considerations:

Outsourcing the creation of an e-book introduces a myriad of ethical considerations into the realm of literature. Writing, at its core, is an art form that requires a unique voice, personal perspective, and a genuine connection between the author and the content. When individuals opt to have their e-books written by ghostwriters, they risk diluting the authenticity and originality that define the essence of literature. This practice raises questions not only about authorship but also about the integrity of the literary landscape and the expectations of readers.

Impact on Creative Expression:

Writing is a deeply personal and creative process, allowing authors to express their thoughts, ideas, and emotions in a unique and authentic manner. By outsourcing the creation of an e-book, authors risk sacrificing this vital aspect of creative expression. The resulting work may lack the personal touch that resonates with readers, potentially diminishing the impact and connection between the author and their audience.

Transparency and Accountability:

The relationship between an author and their readers is built on trust, transparency, and accountability. When an e-book is written by someone other than the claimed author, questions of honesty and transparency arise. Readers may feel deceived if they discover that the purported author did not contribute significantly to the writing process, eroding the trust that is crucial in the literary world.

Balancing Collaboration and Authenticity:

While collaboration in the writing process is not inherently unethical, the key lies in maintaining a balance between collaboration and preserving the authentic voice of the author. Collaborating with editors, co-authors, or experts in the field can enhance the quality of the content without compromising the integrity of the author’s voice.


The practice of having an e-book written by someone other than the claimed author introduces a nuanced ethical dilemma into the world of literature. Aspiring authors should carefully consider the implications of outsourcing on their creative expression, authenticity, and the trust of their readers. While the demands of modern life may be formidable, striking a balance between collaboration and maintaining the genuine voice of the author is essential for upholding the principles of literary integrity and preserving the essence of storytelling in the digital age.